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15 October 2009


Well, I decided to post about our trip to CKC. Jennifer and I had looked forward to and dreamed of going to a convention for quite a while. It seemed like it was all talk though. I did tell her that I thought I was going to head to Nashville when CKC came through, but no body was sure. Then all the sudden things started happening. We got to go together, which is better, you can buddy shop!!!

We arrived at the convention and first off.....NOTHING was labeled to tell you where the convention we had to ask. But there it was in the Presidental area of the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center...I thought the President part was perfect. We entered our tickets, got our class passes and headed to the showroom floor. We entered the room and literally both of our jaws hit the floor. We went to the first booth and just glanced, then the second one and almost at the same time said "I am a little overwhelmed". So much vendors, so many ideas, so many things to buy. But we decided to take our time. We had about 2 hours before our first here we go. Over the course of the 3 days, we encountered many many booths that we liked, some were just ok, and some that we visited so much the owners recognized us and chatted up with us. I even got into political converstations with the owner of Creek Bank.

Now I am going to break this down in terms of things we did....first off CLASSES!!!

1. Our first class was on Friday at 4:30 pm. It was an acrylic album class. I had done one, but never been skilled in how to do it the right this was new. The class came with stuff all ready pre cut....which is very lovely. My complaint here was the not everyone had the same pattern papers and this confused people and slowed done the process. This was an all level class though, and I had to remember that Jennifer and I are what I consider advanced, and some of these folks were newbies. One lady said this was her first time ever. So that part was strange having all those skill levels together. The teacher taught us how to layer and buid the book, but all allowed us to use our own creativity on the project. I do believe that Jennifer and I used every single thing she gave us. I know I did. And we were very pleased with the project.

2. Class number 2 was the best class EVER!!! Ali Edwards every day life. I myself am a huge fan of Ali (even won a prize for knowing private info on her at the class), and I told Jennifer when we were looking at the classes that she would love her too. I know that neither of us were disappointed!!!! We got TONS of stuff at this class...a stamping block, a set of very cool stamps which I have all ready used alot (they were designed by Ali and feature her handwriting). Enough stuff to do a one page layout, but Jennifer and I soon made it into a 2 page, and a wealth of knowledge. Jennifer and I have both stamped for years, but this lady taught us so many tricks and gave me a new spin on how to use acrylic stamps and what to buy. Eileen you are the bomb!!! jennifer and I WILL do an Ali Edwards class again, and maybe 2 or 3 of them.

3. Jacob's Ladder. The papers did not blow me away, but the technique was wonderful. I came home and made another one I liked it so much. This class took the jacob's ladder thing you used to make a dollar bill move from one side to the the other and put it in scrapbook form. You can get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many pictures on a page with this!

The vendors were wonderful as well. Our favorite was for sure Creek Bank Creations!!! We visited here what Jennifer like 4 or 5 times? Tom Creek, was the guy that owned the store. He was the one that reconiged us and got to talking about politics too. I loved this store. I probably spent most of money here. Jennifer, I sure wish I had bought the little sis or the big brother...wanna make an order from them? I am telling you guys, they have the greatest chipboard that I have EVER seen...and I have been doing this since 1990!!! One side was like you usually get it and one was distressed and it was sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thick and good quality. I sanded, painted, and distressed and it did not tear up. I am so impressed with the products. Why did I not get more?

The second favorite was Eileen's booth or technique tuesday. They have Ali Edwards products. They make wonderful stamps, and killer layouts. Their kits are outstanding. I have seen them for years in magazines and been inspired by them...even copied one from Creating Keepsakes magazine exactly, went to this convention and it was one of Eileens (she had the original at the booth). they have amazing cloth tags/sticker like things, and WHITE chipboard. Now that I was impressed with!!

The next vendor we really liked was Keller's Creations. They did these tags and chipboard connectors that were just wonderful. I have noticed since I brought my purchases home that you can be very creative with their products. Their slogan is scrap outside the box and they mean it. The accordian tags are my favorite and I have used all of mine, except one I am saving it and a package of circles.

There were many many vendors that were selling pre cut, ready to go kits. I did not buy one, but I think Jennifer bought 2. They were wonderful, but I like to be creative on my own. I do wish that I had gotten the owl one though. I can almost see it in my brain, but not quite. It is not availible for purchase on their website, but check it out

There were vendors that had great sale cardstock by the pound, but man it is the thickest best cardstock I have ever seen! Sure wish I had gotten $5 more.

It was a great convention...YES, I am going next year...more Ali/Technique Tuesday classes are on the agenda. Thanks CKC!!!

I have included photos of the stuff we made/bought (that I have not used). Creek Bank chipboard can be found on my "death" layout on facebook.

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