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Showing posts with label I am reading. Show all posts

13 May 2024

June Book Pick

Oh, I am going to be so sad if you have not read the first books of this series. I hope you fix that problem, if you haven’t. This  book ties up the whole war and the series in a nice little bow, maybe, remember it is wartime.  In this book, Maggie is still doing what she can to help England win the war, while straightening out her personal life and working with none other than Coco Chanel on how to fight the Nazis and kill one of the top men in command. 

Susan Elia MacNeal started this series with a book based during WWII and set in England.  She tells the story of a regular woman who somehow gets plucked from others to become an agent for England.  She is trained like any other agent would be and is assigned to work directly with Winston Churchill. I will give you a list of the books so you can get started.

1. Mr. Churchill’s Secretary

2.  Princess Elizabeth’s Spy

3. His Majesty’s Hope

4. The Prime Minister’s Secret Agent

5. Mrs. Roosevelt’s Confidante

6. The Queen’s Accomplice

7.  The Paris Spy

8. The Prisoner in the Castle-this one is kind of violent

9. The King’s Justice

10. The Hollywood  Spy-I love this one!!

11. The Last Hope

Here is the review that I posted on NetGalley….

What an excellent way to end a marvelous series. In this book, we have Maggie still trying to find a way to do her part to help the Allies win WWII. She is going to drop herself into Spain, take on a different persona, and immerse in the local culture. I hate to give anything away for you, but I will tell you if you have grown accustomed to intrigue and edge-of-your-seat text, you will not be disappointed. I think Ms. MacNeal wrapped this series up nicely with a pretty yellow bow (for WWII). 

If you have not read this series, stop and do it now. The entire series is spectacular!

01 May 2024

May Book Pick

 Gill Paul always writes books that are unique, but about women in strong roles.  This book is no exception, this one takes place in the world of beauty.  

Two women have built massive empires around the world of women’s skincare.  They each hate each other and tend to do things to each other to sabotage the other.  One of the women will go so far as to plant a false employee in the other’s camp.  This person is being paid by one as a true employee and the other as a spy.  You can’t make this stuff up!

Another of Gill’s best traits is she can make you side with whatever person you are reading about, so I was all over the place with my loyalty, do I like Elizabeth Arden or Helena Rubinstein.  They both scared me too :) 

01 March 2024

March Book Pick

 I chose this book for March, because I simply could not stop reading it and the story reminded me of a spring concert tour that is full of fun (and other things-I was thinking Coachella or Woodstock).  

The Last Days of the Midnight Ramblers, does not really tell you much about the music the band wrote/performed, instead, the book will show the reader about life BEHIND the band.  You see the sex, drugs and rock and roll side, but also get brought in on a murder/suicide, what exactly was it? 

Here is the quick review I posted before….. It is on the vibe of Daisy Jones and the Six, but holds its own very well. What we have here is a book about a ghost writer, Mari, that’s been hired to write the book of Anke. Anke is the widow of Mal and he was the leader of the Midnight Ramblers. While Mari is meeting with Anke, she starts to uncover the cause of Mal’s death and gets herself caught up in a world she never dreamed about.

I did try to cast the movie while I was reading and I was thinking someone like Steven Tyler for Mal. Come on, he needs to get into acting.  I saw Mari as Emma Stone, because she can do anything!!!!! And Anke, well that one is Cher.  Cher would nail a role like this.  I would love to know what you think about the book and casting.  

08 January 2024

February Book Pick

 I have been waiting for so long to share this month's book pick and bonus pick.  Yes, we get two picks this month.  That is because on January 31 on FX there is a series starting that I cannot wait to see.  Let me give you a back story.

I have always been fascinated by Truman Capote, In Cold Blood is one of the best-written books I have ever read.  As brilliant as his writing was, the opposite is true about his personal life, it was an utter train wreck. He had a long-time boyfriend, Jack, but he often cheated on him.  Jack was so loyal, Truman just could not be faithful.  Truman also loved drugs.  Drugs to keep him thin, drugs to keep him going, and just drugs because he liked drugs and alcohol. 

There was a bright spot in his personal life, he was best friends with Babe Paley.  Babe was rich, connected, thin, beautiful, and did I say rich?  With the friendship of Babe came more women whom Truman called his "Swans".  Lee Radizwell (Jackie Kennedy's sister), Ann Woodward (she would murder her husband),  CZ Guest,  Slim Keith,  Gloria Guinness, and Joanne Carson (he would die in her home). Just Google these women, they were gorgeous!  Truman would write a book (unpublished) about these women, betraying them all.  In the end, only Joanne and Lee would still love him.  With just this little bit of info, you can just feel the drama and want to see how this will play out, right?  Well, you can!!!! Feud: Season 2 is all about the Swans and Truman.  The season premieres on FX on January 31 and the next day on Hulu.  

Now, I do believe you will want more info before this show premieres, this is where my book picks enter the scene.  Just like I am with Wallis Simpson, I read every book I can find about the Swans and these are two of the best.  I am going to give you a fiction and a nonfiction book.  The main pick is fiction and the bonus is the nonfiction.  

The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin

This book is based on Babe Paley and the life she led with her husband, Bill (the founder of CBS).  It wasn't a good life for Babe until Truman entered lighting up her world.  Bill and Truman would become friends and Truman would take take of them both.  Why?  Because they paid for everything and had a social standing that Truman craved.  When Babe's life spins out of control Truman betrays her on a level no one thought possible.  

The Bonus book is the nonfiction version, where you will learn a lot about all the Swans.  In real life, there was a murder committed by one of the Swans, and wait until you read what happened to her!!!!  As a matter of fact, this book explains in great detail exactly how Capote betrayed his friends and why.  Capote's Women is very interesting and I had to keep reminding myself, this stuff is TRUE!!!!

I hope you enjoy them both.  

19 November 2023

November Book Pick

 Beatriz Williams is one of those authors that I either love her book or hate it.  The last one did not make me happy, but the one before thrilled me. Of course I am going to read every book she writes because she has written far too many that I like to avoid her.  I found this one to be fantastic!  We meet Emilia, who is very smart, but realizes she won’t go to college, her destiny is to take care of her mother. Everything changes when she meets Olive.  She beginning by babysitting for Olive and then gets wrapped up in a world she never expected.  She will juggle this new world that has Olive, a boyfriend with money, the possibility of college and a life outside of Winthrop.   

Fast forward a few year, Emilia achieved some of her goals in life, the love of her life is gone, and Olive has re-entered her world…..this does no make Emilia happy.  What the reader finds out here is how Emilia and Olive split and why Emilia wants far away from Olive. 

I liked the mystery aspect of this one, the fact it happens AFTER WWII and it has a lovely setting. Give this one a whirl and see what you think.  I would love for you to drop a comment with your thoughts.  

18 November 2023

October Book Pick

 John Grisham will forever be one of my favorite authors.  I have read every book he has published,  loved most of them and hated a couple (sports ones).  The Firm was the first book of his that I read and immediately became a fan. When I read that Mr. Grisham was going to publish a sequel to The Firm I was all over it. I counted down the months til the release and was lucky enough that NetGalley let me get a copy before the release date.  I devoured it!!!  Right out of the gate, Mitch showed us that he is the same guy, just living a new life in New York. The fact that he and Abby were still together, with kids, thrilled me!!! 

If you loved The Firm, you need this book in your life.  If you didn’t read The Firm, I think you had better pass, or read it and then this one.  

04 November 2023

Review: Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots

Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots by Reba McEntire
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

View all my reviews

Review: Living the Beatles Legend: The Untold Story of Mal Evans

Living the Beatles Legend: The Untold Story of Mal Evans Living the Beatles Legend: The Untold Story of Mal Evans by Kenneth Womack
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mal’s presence is heavy in photos of The Beatles and most recently in the Get Back movie. If you have read books about The Beatles you know who Mal is and why he was important to the Liverpool lads. What you may not know until you read this book, is that life was glamorous, but not easy. This book is going to take you deep into the famous roadie’s life, deep. I 100% admit that I knew who Mal was, I could recognize him in photos, Help and knew exactly what his job for the lads was and knew about how he died, but I knew nothing about his life when he went home. Mal lived two lives, that of a guy deeply imbedded into a mayhem world and a guy married with children.

I am going to recommend this for any Beatles fan, but maybe not someone just looking for a bio to read, it is deep in the Beatles world. I very much enjoyed it.

View all my reviews

19 August 2023

September Book Pick of the Month

 I really like the books that Melanie Benjamin writes, she tends to drop me, the reader, in spots that I could never find myself in and they are all very interesting.  This month's pick is one that is set on the beach, that in itself is a place I don't much care for (the sand!), but I found myself sucked into this one from the start.  It is the story of two sisters, Mindy and Ginger, that bonded in childhood simply because they were afraid social services would tear them away from their mom.  Their mom wasn't an abuser, she was just a mom. that wasn't present.  Her life revolved around surfing and doing whatever it took to keep her top surfer status.  She would cart the girls off to many different locales but would tend to ignore them so she could compete.  The system the girls put in place worked beautifully for a while and then the girls were old enough to surf with mom.  Here is where the story gets interesting, think about it, two girls about to go through puberty and trying out their talents at their mom's sport.  

Fast forward a bit and the girls are apart, they don't even know where the other one is living. You will have to read to find out what happens to cause this and how the book ends, but I think you will enjoy the ride.

Isn't the cover gorgeous? 

Review: The Story She Left Behind