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Showing posts with label Glacier Bay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glacier Bay. Show all posts

28 April 2011

John Muir

Who exactly is John Muir? And why does he interest me so? He was a Scottish man that fell in love with the beauty of America. He was instrumental in getting the president and Congress to create the National Park system…hence his nickname “Father of the National Parks”.
He was also very interested in botany, which I admit is the part about him I care nothing about. He could glance at any plant and tell you exactly what it was…a neat talent, but that is not what thrills me.
His journey (after an injury he was convinced God had given him) began in Yosemite Valley and here is where he changed how America viewed its lands. He referred to Yosemite as a “temple” and even wrote a book while there….he was here many years.
That part was interesting because Yosemite is on my list of things to do, but I read his book about the visit to Wrangel Island, his climb up Mt Rainier and his great visits to Glacier Bay. George Vancouver discovered the bay, but it was closed with gigantic glacier…by the time Muir sailed to the bay in a canoe, the glacier had retreated creating Tarr Inlet. A place I have been blessed to see and without a doubt the most beautiful place that I have ever been blessed enough to see.
I first read Muir’s book “Travels in Alaska” as I was approaching my first visit to the bay and then began it again right after I left. At first read, I could not envision the ice, the fjord, the blues, the moraine….they were just words. After visiting it all made sense, and it hit me hard. I sat in a chair for almost 12 hours admiring with shock the beauty, the moaning and the loveliness of the fjord. I have read the book about 6 times since 2008. There is another book that describes the trips Muir made to Glacier Bay, “Alaska Days with John Muir”. It is written by Samuel H Young, who happened to be a minister that traveled to Wrangel Island to minister to the natives and traveled to the glaciers with Muir. This book is just as good as Muir’s book and is enjoyable reading.
Both books are available all over the place as both are out of copyright. Here is a link to Travels in Alaska… It has the photos from the book, the very book I bought at Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center...a glacier that is briefly mentioned in the book.

Oh, one thing I forgot, in case you collect the statehood quarters, John Muir is the man depicted on the California state even if you never heard of him, I am sure you have held his name in your hands.

06 January 2010

A surprise gift

I don't think I have ever told you that I have cruise fever. I am constantly looking, and honestly the day we got home from the Fantasy last month, I got a brochure on the Epic and started instantly looking for good prices on her. This was before Christmas and on Christmas day, my husband kept telling me that he did not have a present for me. I told him that it did not matter, he just took me on a cruise. Since he mentioned it no more, I thought it was no big deal. After all the gifts were opened and we had begun to clean up, he brought me a rolled up piece of paper that he had tied with a ribbon. I opened it and low and behold he had found a cruise to purchase for us to take in June. It was a cruise...we all know how I feel about that....but as I looked harder it was an Alaskan cruise!!!! We had wanted to go back to Alaska, we have said that many times, but honestly I was not sure if it would be a possibility. Here it was, John just handed me a reality. What a thrilling Christmas gift, from a wonderful husband.

Now, I get to think about the begin the packing lists (I need to tweak the one that I created in 08'). To plan the excursions (and save the money for them), and now that we know our way around the towns better, see the things that we wished we had seen the first time. Neither of us felt like we had much time in we have another chance. Of course, we also both have said the we want to do the same excursions that did last time in Juneau too...but this is the fun part before the trip. Planning what on what to do, and how to squeeze it in during the time allowed.

We are heading to the same places as last time, which again is a little bit of wonderful because every place was a gem...Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, and Victoria...the only exception to the trip is that we will not go into the National Park (Glacier Bay). This time we will venture in Tracy Arm Fjord. Which is supposed to be spectacular, but we will see. The fjord features the twin Sawyer glaciers, which are known to calve alot, and of course that is what I am hoping for.

It is going to be great! Going to be spectacular! Thank you for such a wonderful gift that I will enjoy very much...well he will too!

For a review of our first Alaskan cruise please visit my old blog....

Review: The Story She Left Behind