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Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts

21 March 2011

Nine Old Men

Walt Disney had a group of men that worked for him. Their job for the Disney company was in the animation department. Walt called this group of dudes "Nine Old Men". They were involved from the first animated movie ever, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and were some of the most talented people on the planet.

I know the names of all of them, but I only know facts about my favorites so if you care, you will have to research on your own.

Marc Davis-My all time favorite animator. He was just a little bit of wonderful. Of course, I think his greatest achievement was Maleficent. She is beautiful, graceful, and willowy and she is pure EVIL!!! And dressed in purple and black. I adore her. Marc also served as a Disney Imagineer and this work lives on in the theme parks...The Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, Carousel of Progress and the Haunted Mansion.

Ollie Johnson-My second favorite of the nine. He did Prince John in my second favorite Disney film, Robin Hood. Casey at Bat is one of the coolest stories ever, yeah it was drawn by Ollie. He was short and adorable himself. Ollie was the last of the 9 to die (2008) and was featured in the Incredibles!!! He worked a lot with my third favorite...

Frank Thomas--The Queen of Hearts and Madam Mim belong to Frank. He and Ollie did a wonderful book called the Illusion of Life.

others....they don't thrill me as much...

Wolfgang Reitherman--he should thrill me since he worked on Maleficent as a dragon, but he does not.
Les Clark--mainly drew Mickey
John Lounsberry-great work on Fantasia, I do love that film
Milt Kahl--He was my villain animator and did Allan a dale from Robin Hood
Eric Larson--can't remember any of his terrible is that?

Ward Kimball--Mad Hatter, Jiminy Cricket and Three Caballeros (I love this number) all were penned by Ward. I think he's greatest was World of Motion for EPCOT. You know how I feel about EPCOT.

19 March 2011

Uncovered Goodies

So I am going through my cassette tapes and I found some jewels that I have not heard in years. you are not really going to care anything about these precious things UNLESS you like Disney. You see, Michelle is OBSESSED with Disney. Especially Classic Disney (those teeny shows stink, IMO). I am very much into music. Every time I can get to the parks or Downtown Disney the first thing I do it try to find music that I DON'T have.

Much of my older collection is on cassette tapes, just because John and I did not get our first cd player until 2000!!! That is right, and you know really the reason we did was that I found one cheap at Kmart in Little Rock.

Here are some gems that I uncovered:

God Help the Outcasts-The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Talespin (one of my all time favorites) from Talespin the tv show
Fathoms below-the Little Mermaid (I have this as a ringtone)
Step in Time--Mary Poppins
Candle on the Water--Pete's Dragon
Topsy Turvy--Hunchback
Casey Junior-Dumbo
The Tiki Tiki Tiki room---old school version
the Parent Trap--I love Annette
Mr Piano Man--again Annette
Golden Dreams-the original version
Carousel of Progress from the 70's

I shall leave you alone while I finish listening to my Disney music

28 June 2009

Stories of Walt Disney World

Well, I have given my it is time to give you some stories of our trip. Day one...the flight was ok, only one spot did I have issues with the flying. I did land, text my friends (a very incoherent message) and we were on our way to the Magic Kingdom. I slept all the way because that pill make me bonkers. When I awoke we were at the hotel unpacking. The unpacking process was quick and then we whisked ourselves to the Magic Kind om because we wanted too! We did the Carousel of Progress (one of my all time faves)...STitch, and Buzz lightyear (we only missed one tomorrowland ride and that was because I will never again....Space Mt and TTA were in refurb). Then we board a ferry to Fort Wilderness for dinner. See nothing much going on here. Dinner was great...we shopped a little at the campground, then took a ferry back to the kingdom. Still nothing! We rode many more rides all in Fantasy Land. Still nothing going on right? We then went to Adventure land...I wanted so much to do the Jungle Cruise at night (it is way more fun at night). I was so lucky (thanks to Trevor's GAC) to land a seat next to the guide. He and I bantered the whole trip. My "Disney" training kicked right back in, and I became the "class clown". I LOVED IT. For those of you that don't know...I have CAS or Center of Attention Syndrome. LOVE THE SPOTLIGHT!!!

At 1 am the park closed and we made our way to the exit. My body gives me serious issues when it is too hot or too cold, that is a fact that you must know. And I hate the ferry from MK to the TTC (Ticket and Transportation center). EVERY SINGLE TIME that I have ridden it I have "ISSUES"...every time!!! I told john that I did not think it was a good idea, but the monorail line was HUGE! We got into line for the was a long line. Disney likes to cram people in the smallest space it can...the cm kept saying, "move up and to the left"...we had so many people in there, no air, was a nightmare. I could feel it, down I went! We did get to the front of the line, but I felt like crap. I did not have a seizure just got too hot. This was issue #1

I was very careful to go inside every time that I felt "weak" for the rest of the trip...good thing it was sooo hot. Even bought a $17 fan to keep cool with, and it was worth every penny.

Day #2, Hannah and I were alone since the boys took a road trip to Miami to see the Cardinals. When we first entered Epcot...Dave the purse inspector was singing...sorry, can't sing but can't help myself...I started singing with him. "oh, what a beautiful morning". I was having so much fun being in "Disney" mode. I enjoyed engaging the CM's in conversations at every chance that I had.

Hannah and I took a Gardening tour, and Hannah was bored to death! I was very proud that some of what my mom had taught me rubbed off. I got 4 out of 6 right on the guess what plant quiz. They were all herbs, thanks Granny!

We had dinner reservations at the Garden Grill in Epcot. I knew I was going to embarrass my tween daughter as soon as I made the reservation. It would only be worse because dad was not going to be there to control me. When Pluto came around the first time...I was fine, I said nothing that would drive my child crazy....but when Chip and Dale came by...I got a little whack. Dale and I go way back (I know it's a different Dale now but we do). I told Dale he was my new favorite because he "kissed" me upon sight because I had my "dale" page ready to go. Dale and I "flirted" for a bit and then Mickey came over. Mickey and Dale each pulled on my arm fighting over me, YES!!!!! I then told Mickey that he was my new favorite leaving my beautiful daughter mortified that I love Disney stuff so much. Mickey sat with me for a bit, then left promising to return. Both he and Dale did return and we went through the same circle again. My poor child wanted to throw me over the railing of the revolving restaurant!!! However, her heart was about to be won over...Dale "broke" up with me and started in on my child...she was in love. He flirted, kissed, hugged, and made great photos with my baby. This $91 meal was worth EVERY penny.

Day #3...Animal Kingdom...We did the touring plans and did all the big rides by noon. Then we slowed down and looked about. We saw Turk standing on a trail and the CM encouraged us to go up the path...WHO was up the path? OMG....Baloo and King all time favorite Disney movie characters. I was hoping to see them months ago and determined to make it happen...I bought "Jungle Book" stickers (expensive ones) in hopes for this glorious event. Mission Accomplished!!!

Day #4...The Studios, the reason we planned this trip in the summer. STAR WARS weekends!!! I knew we would have 2 days here so I planned my days to the letter. First up was a storm trooper. I was very lucky to have encountered one as he was exiting "backstage" so I was he first guest. He was to go to his queue but I nabbed him first and made him pose. Next up Sand People...I was a bit frightened of him...he was so in character. I asked to have my picture and he grunted, then he held his weapon up at me in a threatening way. He held it over his head and my husband got the shot of the two of us (with Trevor too). It was crazy, but hey mark it off your list. Next the Big Dogs!!! Vader, check; Anakin, check; Amedalia, check; ewok, check; Jango, check. Good job! I only missed Chewy! I got bonuses too, the Cantina band, a speeder bike (I have had my picture taken on this bike many times...they just moved it for the usually is right outside of Tatooine Traders. Got R2D2, Asoka Tano, and SHAKK Ti (my all time fave SW character). Day #5, back to the Studios...we watched the opening ceremony with the troopers guarding the park. Saw Jedi Mickey, Leia Minnie, Vader Goofy, and Trooper Donald. More guests were dressed up today giving the park bonuses. Rode Toy Story Mania 3 was our favorite ride in this park (everyone but mine the whole trip). Did the animation tour and got to the front of the line for Sorcerer Mickey. Hannah went first...Mickey admired her new SW tshirt and pointed to R2D2 and gave a thumbs up. R2D2 was his favorite he let us know. He kissed on my sweet child and then it was my turn. Hey, I took my own turn, I did not go up with my kids. I went up to Mickey and he pointed to my Happy Anniversary button. He "asked" how many years and I told him "16! But Mickey I love you most!" He pointed to the mickey and Minnie on my button and did the "break up" sign. He was saying he and Minnie broke up. I said "for me?". He shook his head "yes". I asked, "will you come home with me?" "Yes" he shook. He grabbed my arm and put it around his arm and began to walk me backstage. The photgo was snapping photos of this wonderful moment. I asked Mickey if he "loved me best", and again he shook his head "yes", but there was trouble....right outside the backstage area was a man. A man wearing a "happy anniversary" button like mine. A man whose job it was to take pictures of my encounter with Mickey. He put his fists up to my new boyfriend, and my new boyfriend shrieked back like a a MOUSE! Mickey kissed me goodbye, and I had to leave with the man. Good thing, cause the man paid for my trip. Mickey I love you.

Day #6 Back to the Epcot...our friends were there. And more character encounters...Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Mary Poppins, gosh, I have lost track of the others will have to look at the pictures. I spent $50 for Disney cds, and then more for scrapbook stickers. Got flashed by a CM that was wearing a tshirt that I bought. He pulled off his costume and I saw it all. He was embarrassed, but I said it is ok. When I went back later that evening to the same store to buy water, he had remembered me, "guess I really made a lasting impression and you came back for more." "you know it" I said. He was sweet and funny! Saw my 4th British Invasion show today. And for the 4th time had my picture made with the band. "Paul" loved my Beatles shirt. And actually I tried to buy a new one, the store had FOUR on display. I asked about them..."we don't have those in stock". Not in stock but on display...yeah that works!

Day #7 A little bit of everything. We did the Studios, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom. I met up with the British Invasion show, and they remembered me too. "John" called me their "groupie". "Paul" was saying "please tell guest relations how much you love us" (I did!!)

Day #8...the plane...this was messed up from the get go. Times were changed and my husband had no clue of how far away from the airport we were. I was doing ok, until I looked at the clock and realized that the plane was supposed to take off in 40 minutes and we were not at the airport. I began the freak out. John had told me that I could get something to eat at the airport, so I had nothing, and could not take my "happy" pill. I could feel it, feel the pulsing in my heart and the nervousness building up. We arrived at the airport with 15 minutes to spare (before take off). The bags went through the TSA fine, that's the checked bags. We got to security and BOTH of the kids DVD players had to be inspected, this has NEVER happened before even in Orlando international or Sea-Tac! We made that part only one piece to go....the ids. My id was fine and he waved me on...John's was a problem his did not have a security strip in it. He was a week from needing a new one anyway. The guy kept him there and John sent Hannah and I on. Hannah and I boarded the now I am hyperventilating. I told Hannah, "hang onto you bag, if he does not make it, I WILL get us off this plane" Finally at the last second he makes it. By then I have had no food (blood sugar), no pill (anxiety), and no sleep. I am doomed to fail. I tried so hard to hold it together cause I was sitting with Hannah. John and Trevor were sitting elsewhere. But that flight attendant said to the folks in front of you, "are you sure that you could help people off this plane in the event of a crash?" That was it! I looked back and John and said "I have to get off NOW!" He said to hang on...I could not! I was breathing so fast, and then the tears came. I said, "I am not supposed to be here, I have to get off". He asked if he could switch seats and asked for water and food. I downed a whole bottle of water in one drink SERIOUSLY! The next parts make me look freaky but I had a full blown anxiety attack. I finally had enough food that I could take my pill, and I cried until I fell asleep. I hate flying! Hate it more than anything! Why could I not take my pill before and then I would remember none of it. Lesson learned! Take the pill the night before. Even if you are a zombie the day of, at least YOU won't know it! I did make it, but I am telling you flashbacks of Final Destination came to me...did any of you know that when I saw that movie the first time, my water broke and my son was born 3.5 weeks early because I was so freaked out about it? Airplanes...blah!!!

24 June 2009

Dinner time

Here comes another great part of vacationing...the food. I have very detailed things of all of the food that we ate, but I won't bore you with tons of details. I will let you know how I felt about the "big" meals but only the ones at Walt Disney World. Not about the Sizzler or the others on 192.

When we first arrived at the park, we had dinner reservations over at Fort Wilderness Lodge. We got on the resort ferry and headed over to the fort. Pioneer Hall is not very far off the dock (it's also where you can see Hoop dee do, which I also reccomend).

Once we approached the hostess we were seated at that moment no waiting. That was wonderful because the restaurant was busy and so was the waiting area. The server gave us our sodas and directed us to the buffet line. WOW!!! What a salad bar! They had iceburg (blah), and then a combination of red, green, romaine, a few other lettuces, but also included ENDIVE! My favorite lettuce...yummy. The blue cheese dressing was nice and lumpy with clumps of blue cheese too. Double yummy.

I then made my way over to the food part. There was fried chicken, ribs (which I did not try), macaroni and cheese, carrots, and many other veggies. For a surprise they brought John and I a strawberry shortcake (which if I eat, I will DIE)...but the thought was very wonderful just the same.

The second day...Hannah and I were on our own...we ate lunch at the sunshine seasons. I have always eaten here every time that I have ever been to EPCOT. It has evolved many times over the years. The last time they had a potato bar place that was great, but this time was way better. It started with the set up. It was set up like a cafetria style place. You grabbed this, then that, then you paid. I had the tuna salad, a garden salad, and chocolate cake. Hannah had chicken and mashed potatoes. The potatoes were again the red skined and very tasty. My tuna was smashing. But the salad was best of all, and what I was looking forward to. It was grown here in the greenhouses of the Land. The tomatoes had a sweet flavor, and the lettuce was so so so good. As a matter of a fact, I also had this meal the very last day of our trip because it was so good.

That evening Hannah and I headed upstairs to the Garden Grill. I had looked forward to this meal more than any that I was going to do. Character dinner, with a fresh Land grown salad, and a revolving restaurant. We were again seated with no waiting. We went right over to the table for 2 sit down and Luis was there in a blink of an eye. He brought out the rolls and got our drink order. I did order Hannah the kids meal buffet because I knew she would not eat the adult one. This buffet was family style...meaning they bring dishes of food to your table to get your food from. The dishes are for the whole family. You serve yourself without getting up and getting in a buffet line. I love it!!! The salad was served first. A big salad with the greenhouse grown lettuces, arugala, endive, romaine, red, green, and musclan (I probably did not spell that right). The dressing was a house type; sort of a vinagarette...very tastly slightly peppery. I ate the whole big bowl. Then Luis brought the food. I had a large dish of turkey and dressing with the best cranberry stuff I have ever tasted (I had second on the cranberry stuff), a flank steak (okay), and spicy catfish (fair). I ate at this food and asked for more salad (actally 2 more big ones). Dessert was a blueberry crumble cake with homemade ice cream. This was good as well, it had FRESH blueberries in it. I really enjoyed it, but it was too much after 3 big salads and I could not eat it all.

Most other times we ate at snack carts, McDonalds, and once an the sizzler. I will tell you the Electric Umbrella (in Epcot) is still good all these years later. NO PIZZA though. Pecos Bill's always has a good meal. They have burgers with are average, but then they have a fixins bar that is outstanding. Freshly grilled onions, sauted mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, catsup, and many other "surprise" toppings. I love the toppings bar.

The surprise pick of our trip was Liberty Tavern. I had to do something over here since I was heartbroken about the hall of Presidents so off to Libety Tree Tavern we go. I was NOT disappointed. It was beautifully decorated. I had a great big salad, John and Hannah had some BBQ thingy...very good.

I was very please that the quality was good overall. Some needed work but for the most part good. High? Maybe, but you got what you paid for. Portions were TOO large so share if you have a problem with the price.

Drinks were overpriced, but it was so hot, you had to pay it

22 June 2009

TRIED over and over and over

Well, here it review of Disney PART 1.

Now we spent so much time here that there is NO way on Earth that I can do it all in one blog.

First off is the resort...Coronado Springs

I had read mixed reviews of the hotel and was a tad worried...but I had done my homework. I knew that they had just finished remodeling the Casitas buildings and I requested a room in these buildings. The new rooms featured QUEEN beds instead of Full....a totally redone decor (which is great because the former featured alot of yellow and I hate yellow just a tad more than white). And the decor was VERY dated. The new decor was a MODERN twist on the Spanish influence. There were Aztec type symbols and hidden mickeys in the room as well. The colors featured were a very soothing turquoise blue, with dark mahogoney wood. It was very classy...and way better than the off white with yellow that was previously featured. The story seemed to be you are in the west, near the gulf resting (siestas). Surrounded by palm trees, white sands, and hammocks. The pool was heavily Mayan influenced and featured the standard pyramid. This main pool was called the Dig Site. And it does feature the longest water slide on any WDW property. This whole area was very well done. Not enough shade for us vampires, but the sunbathers I am sure where thrilled as there were plenty of seats/chairs.

The main building contained a lovely market type restaurant where a family could choose from many different types of foods. We did not get to eat here because there was NO time. I did however, peruse the gift store. WONDERFUL selection. As great as a Disney Store, and I know Disney Stores, so trust me on this one. I did see a monorail shirt that I failed to buy..stupid. Please stand clear of the doors, por favor (I can say the rest but can't spell it). Dummy, why did you not get it?

I was entirely please with the hotel, the staff, and the design. I give this resort an A...outstanding!!!!

Part 2 is's about the staff...
The lobby was a tad plain after such a great show, of course you really are only here twice so maybe that was the plan.

My first encounters were just fine, not complaints or anything. The first real one that we conversed with was Drew. He worked at Guest Relations where I was trying to obtain my (Guest Assistance Card). I was explaining what I needed and he said, that I did not need to do that just tell me what the doctor wanted my guest card to do. He did it! Wonderful guy…kudos to you.

The second member that caught my eye was the second day. It was blazing hot and I know that usually there are running the EPCOT monorail platform. Today there was one guy. I mentioned to him, where is your co worker. He explained that while “you people” are still coming here in has decided to lay off a bunch of “folks and make me do the job of 3 people even though you people are still coming”. Michelle say “what”? Shocked I was, but he did not stop there. His Disney bashing continued inside the cockpit of the train where Hannah and I were waiting for the pilot to start this tour. I could not believe the things that these 2 guys were saying about the company in front of 2 guests. He had no clue that I was a former CM…I was just a regular guest who was bitten by the Disney Magic. He must have missed his brain washing training sessions.

Next on the list came later that day…Joe! I made the same comment to Joe about the heat and he being alone. He must have passed his training…”I may be a little hot, but I am getting all kinds of exercise and get to talk to nice folks like you.” Joe, you are great!! And the sweat was pouring down from his face and neck. He was wiping it with a towel.

Weston was the next pilot of the day! Can we say “amazing”? He welcomed us to the cockpit. Told us monorail history, about the workings of the trains, a little about the resorts, about the history of the trains, and how they brought new trains to the tracks. He was amazing. He also let us ride on the monorail through 2 loops on the resort line without making us leave the cockpit. We did allow 2 other girls to join us for a while, but we stayed on. In all my years of riding in the front, he is without a doubt the best one ever. I thought he was a tiny kid that was new to this because he looked so young, was very short too, and was so forthcoming with knowledge. He told me he had been here for 10 years!!! WOW!!! WESTON!!!

The next great cast members---can I call them that? Was the group British Invasion!

I am not sure if I had seen them before or not. I sure thought I had UNTIL they took the stage. I was totally blown away. They did not look like the Beatles, but the sound, and the were all John, Paul, and George (I could never see Ringo as he was far behind and it was a tiny stage). I saw them every day that we went to Epcot, 5 times! Every time I asked to have my picture made with problem. And I told them how much I enjoyed the show. Finally at the last show, I asked again for a photo opp..."john" played by Sean, said, you have been here every day, you are our groupie. And Paul asked me to tell Guest Relations how much I love them. NO PROB there! Please if you go to Epcot and are a fan of the Beatles....check them out. Don't expect to buy a girls Beatles shirt though. Even though they have 4 on display. They have NONE of those shirts in stock. Only a Beatles jacket and a yellow submarine shirt. They did have a cute yellow submarine ice cube tray, and cookie cutter, but they were very high. As with any Disney trip, there were both folks that were above and beyond and the hum hum ones. I must say only ONE person did not understand me, and of course this was at Peco's Bill. He had a thick accent, I have a country one, and it was hopeless. I did not get what I ordered, and he did not understand my complaints either. That was a tough one! The food was good...oh that is my next blog. FOOD!!!

Review: Six Weeks in Reno