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Showing posts with label cleaning or organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleaning or organization. Show all posts

05 February 2014

Throw out 50 things part 2

Given all the snow and the fact that we are snowed in....we were able to work on the Throw out 50 things list.

We finished with the number 36 last time.  If you can't remember the post here is a link.

37.  Clothes the kids have outgrown

38.  My mother-in-law's comforter.  It is very nice, hardly used but it is a very old lady looking and white.  I hate white.  It is white with pink flowers if someone wants it before I take it to goodwill

39.  Bent rails from Trevor's bed.  Trevor's mattress was constantly falling through the bed because the rails were bent when we got the bed (it was used).  We are selling Grandma's house and we sold all the furniture inside it.  Well, most of the furniture.  For some reason, the auction company did not sell the bed.  I took the rails from that bed and brought them home.  They fit Trevor's more falling through the frame!!  I am tired of having crappy stuff that is falling apart in my home.  My goal is to get rid of it if it is falling apart.

40.  Old letters from my mother-in-law to my husband.  They are miserable.  Please remember to talk to your children nicely.  I burned these horrible letters!!!

41.  Sunshades from our Sebring that died...all our cars are now tinted.  I passed these on.

42.  Scraps of paper

43.  Pillows from my mother-in-law's house.  For some reason, we brought them home.  Trevor had 8 pillows on his bed, Hannah 6, we had 5.  Too many!!!  I got rid of 4 crappy pillows.  Thrown away.

44.  We only use cloth napkins in our house, but I threw out a bunch of napkins that had seen better days.

45.  An extension cord that had been scrapped and looking pretty unsafe

46.  Screwdrivers that were chipped and really worked to remove no screw

47.  Old school agendas

48.  Paint cans that looked like they were 20 years old (and they may be)

49.  Crappy paintbrushes

50.  Cassette tapes, I have no player why did I keep these?

I am going to keep going.  Streamlining my life. 

Day 3 of snowed in

Being poor on trapped in the house if wearing on me.  Cabin fever has set in.  Holy Moly!!  I have done all the dishes, all the laundry, all the sewing repairs, all the touch up of paint, all the cleaning, all the changing of sheets...good gravy you get the picture. I have made 32 cards, 2 canvas thingys, bunches of die cuts paper piecings, organizing of my drawing materials, the taxes, made a peanut butter pie, bit all my nails to the quick, and even got all the recyclables together.  This stupid ice must melt soon, I am not made to sit home all day!!!!

Here is what I created today:

31 December 2013

Throw Out 50 Things

I recently read a book called "Throw out 50 things" by Gail Blanke.  I liked this book because she told you how to do the purge.  She purges with you and gives you a list of what she depleted from her collection and leaves a space for you to write in what you got out of your home. 

 I have been trying to do this for some time, ever since we had to clean out 40 years of junk from my mother-in-law's house.  I have failed since I had no guide and no one to be competitive just wasn't working for me.  After reading this book, I had a plan to "make it so" (borrowing a line from a great Starfleet Captain).  I started when we got home from vacation.  I proceeded to tackle the project while putting away the items from the trip.  I have been working for 2 days now and I feel I have accomplished a bunch.

I have gotten rid of (either by donating, trashing, gifting to someone in need or recycling):

  1. Broken tape dispenser I was never going to fix
  2. Broken hole punch
  3. Out of date cd roms
  4. Magazines
  5. Quilts (tiny quilts we have worn out and I won't ever fix)
  6. Bath mats (no longer the colors we use)
  7. Gooey hair gel
  8. Partially used coloring books
  9. Toddler sized hats/gloves
  10. Unused scarves
  11. Picture frames
  12. Too young for our kid's games
  13. A swivel chair
  14. Yucky make-up
  15. Broken shells
  16. Seen better days Christmas decor
  17. Too small or worn clothes
  18. See better days toys
  19. Out of date coupons
  20. Ink cartridges
  21. Wire Hangers (this house follows Joan Crawford wire hanger policy)
  22. Gently used craft items
  23. Cleaned out drawers in the kitchen (I never had a junk drawer but I had junk in each drawer)
  24. Books
  25. Ink pens
  26. Paper pads
  27. Some of the 10 rulers I have collected (I kept 2)
  28. Address labels featuring my father-in-law's name (for the shred pile)
  29. Cross stitch fabric too small to use (why would I keep that???)
  30. Mostly burned candles
  31. Cardboard boxes that for some reason I feel I need
  32. Old papers no longer needed (meant for the shred bin)
  33. Broken suitcase that will NOT be good for anything no matter how much I think it will
  34. Craft projects attempted but the product is a failure
  35. Resumes from John's college days (why have I kept this?) 
  36. Old chipped along the edges plates/bowls
That is where I am as of today.  I hope to achieve this 50 things goal by Spring Break 2014 (first week in April) and have added the goal to not bring back the junk.  I still have lots of stuff to go through from my mothers-in-law home and I hope that will be what puts me over the top. I also have a rainbow vacuum in my attic that it is time to get rid of...I have held onto it thinking I could fix it.  I can't!  Never will I just have to face facts?  My other new goal is if you can't fix it right now, you pay someone to do it or get rid of it, RIGHT NOW!!!  Don't bring your junk in my house.

14 February 2012

Laundry fairy, where for art thou?

I thought that in the future we were going to have robots to do our laundry!  Wasn't that what was promised to us? 

My life this morning:

6:32am (we leave the house at 6:45)

son: mom, I don't have any underwear.
mom:  what do you mean you have no underwear, I just did laundry on Sunday.
son:  well I don't
mom:  did you look on your dresser? (because no one put clothes away anymore)
son:  there is not any underwear there. 

Ladies and gentlemen this is the story of my life.  The never ending laundry pile story.  I wash clothes almost every day, and somehow, somehow it keeps multiplying and I can't keep up.
 There is a girl at work, and I adore her in most ways, but there is one in which I am very envious.  She said "I only do laundry on Sundays".

WHAT??? Did I hear you correctly?  Just Sundays?  How on Earth do they do it?  I believe that if I waited until Sunday that would be all I did the entire day.  I washed 2 loads all ready today (and these are full loads people). 
My reality:

My dream: Yes in my dream the laundry is folded and put in ROYGBIV.

Oh, and the underwear?  I found ONE pair on his bed.  I just hope they were clean.  What I can't figure out is how can we go on a week-long cruise and I don't have to do laundry even once and everyone has clean undies, but back in Western KY, we run out after two days?  What do we change underwear 4 times a day?  Are the undies hidden in the back of a drawer or folded up in the fitted sheet (this has happened to me)? I guess if I could solve this, I could solve all the world's the meantime bring on the Purex!!!!