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29 May 2021

June Book Pick

 The second I started reading this book I had visions of Baby and Johnny dancing in the big hall to "Time of my life" and I knew in that second I wanted everyone to read this one.  This book will require no thinking, no sleuthing, no stressing...this book is just a book to sit down and enjoy!  

What we have here is a hotel in the Catskills that used to be the hot spot where all the celebs visited, the rooms were booked years in advance and everyone knew everyone.  What exists now is a hotel that while still nice, needs upgrades, to connect with the young folks and frankly some guests.  The hotel was founded by Benny Goldman and Amos Weingold.  Benny has passed and Amos can't keep up anymore, so his son Brian is running the place. The book starts with Brian receiving a call from a big casino operation, saying that they want to buy the hotel.  Brian calls all the families up to the hotel to vote on do they sell or do they upgrade?  Things can't be that simple so here is where family drama, romance, selfies, and lots of social media posts, enter the picture giving us a fun-filled book.  A perfect book for the beach, the car/plane ride, or an afternoon on the deck. 

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