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06 June 2009

A toilet bowl story

Today I was sitting on the couch doing my disney plans...finalizing the confirmations...and just generally being busy...and my husband comes into the living room. "Come here right now" he states in a very firm voice. Who knows what he wanted, so I ignored him. He said "come here NOW!" I get up and follow him..The bathroom door is closed. "open the door" he says. I open the door and say "what". I was thinking probably the pipes were stopped up or something. I told him that I did not see anything. He angled my head to look at the back of the toilet...on the toilet brush was a MOUSE! A mouse with very large eyes and a tail at least 5 inches long....BLAH!!! I ran to grab the camera, and he ran to grab the cat. I told him the cat could not do anything she had no claws. His reasoning was that she bites every single person, why would she not bite this thing. Well, I get the camera ready and the cat starts looking at the mouse. Interested she is...she goes up to the mouse and the mouse jumps from the brush to the plumbing pipe. They just look at each other. John threw a cup at the mouse and it started did I!!! I got out of the bathroom as fast as I could. I heard all types of noise coming out of there. I opened the door at one point and saw all types of stuff all over the place. I just got tired of waiting and needed to scrapbook anyway, so I left for good. About 20 minutes later, john came out of the bathroom carrying a toilet wipe box. I asked him where the mouse was and he handed me the box. I reached for it and it moved! The stinking mouse was in that box. I grabbed the duct tape and taped it shut!!! TIGHT!!! And he placed it in the trash can. In just about 5 minutes, Emily came over and I was telling the story. Emily said, "where is the mouse?" "In the trash can" I told her. Golly gee, if that kid did not go to the trash and remove it and bring it back into my house. GET OUT OF HERE!!!! She begged her mom to take it home and her mom said no, but she did take her to a field to release it in the wild. The cat? The cat keeps going back to the bathroom, she is in mourning of her long gone friend...and if he comes back I will KILL him.

04 June 2009

blackworking at the fair

I have been entering county or state fairs for about 17 years (this is the 17th). I have won many, many great prizes and had at least 2 articles published about my stuff. Even won top prize in a state fair. When I moved to McCracken county, I begged folks in charge to add categories that can expand folks talents and keep "lost arts" going. Finally, after 8 years of letters, calls, and verbal conversation...McCracken County has added "new" categories. I am very excited about this, however; I am still waiting for the blackwork.

But I believe I am one of the only ones in this area, folks look at me like I am stupid when I ask about patterns or charts. I design my own now, so if you do blackwork and want to buy one look me up...I will even try a custom one for you. I do know that no one will call, NO ONE does blackwork...did I just ramble? OH YEAH...

Kudos to the folks in charge at the fair. I will be there signing in my stuff like every year and I encourage you to do the same. Showing off your God given talents is wonderful. You might inspire someone to take up your craft or teach someone a new technique or maybe make a new friend. You can even earn a little extra spending cash that you can put back into your craft.

Don't forget to visit the fair too! It is a great community event and a whole lot of fun. Look at the craft building. Praise the children for their 4-H work...and expand your knowledge of handicrafts.

If you are reading this and do blackwork...please contact me! This is a needlecraft that I am thrilled to do and love to see others work. I am very proud to say that my stuff is completely reversable. I have worked hard to accomplish that...and I really want to see the blackwork of others and maybe gain a source of purchasing patterns.

For those others, support your local county fair.

This photo is NOT my work, but a pattern that I am going to buy. I think she is so beautiful.

24 May 2009

Getting it ready

I am a person who totally falls apart if I do not have things done when they need to be done. I do NOT like to put things off. Now there are times when I forget to do stuff, but trust me that is NOT done intentionally. Here is the deal...a tad over 2 weeks until vacation and I have completed the packing list, finished the tours plans, decided where we are going on which days, and begun the packing. I am feeling pretty good about all of it. Today I am going to clear up the memory cards (planning on taking about 1500 pictures). And logging some of photos into picasa so that I can "fix" them.

Also today, I plan on finalizing the dinner plans. So far I have booked the Crystal Palace, Garden Grill, and 1900 Park Fare. I had reservations at Sci fi but cancelled them...and still trying for Chef Mickey's (kids really want to eat there). Thought about the Tusker House too. Problem is it is soooo close that I am just taking what is left. Now here is where the problem is. I made reservations 90 days ago! And my husband was NOT finished researching on his part, so I have had to change them....when he read reviews. Now he is almost finished with his Disney guide and we will see if I have to change them again. The pickings are getting slim. I could not even get into Mickey's bbq or to the Hoop dee do show at this point. Actually I was not too keen on spending that much money at a dinner with the picky family that I have anyway...I just really wanted to go.

The Disney stuff came in the mail. We have our luggage tags, our free 5x7 photo, free golf, free arcade time, and hotel certificates. We are almost, I am soo excited! This is amazing. Disney for a week, a GMC Acadia, and STAR WARS weekends. We found out that Jango Fett will be there. Trevor loves Jango! We have to get his autograph. Don't know if we will get any of the Star Wars limited edition toys, but we aim to get the auto.

Enough of this....I have much to do.

21 May 2009

New look

Thought it was time for a new look...a face lift you might say. Something that is easier for YOU, and more importantly ME!!! I don't know if you are aware of this but I like to use my blogging as a basis for my journaling on my scrapbook pages. My thoughts tend to be more honest and seem to have the facts straight too.

Well, I decided that it was time to find an easier blog space. I had been looking for a bit and came up with this through my pal, Lew! Sorry Lew, stole your idea.

I love that I can edit the text, the FONT, and the colors...oh, and I can insert more pictures. I LOVE it!!!
Well, for those FEW that read my thoughts, please use this one because the other will soon go bye bye.

Review: Eruption