Free background from VintageMadeForYou

08 June 2009


John has worked in tv for a long long time. Today's story has to do with a big station that he worked at in a big town. A station that was (at the time) first place in the 4 stations that was located in Little Rock Arkansas. This station offered many perks/add ons to it's employees, but there was one in particular that I liked to take advantage of.....the FREE stuff. Yes, for someone like me, FREE stuff is the bomb. FREE STUFF...just the sound of it makes me smile. I sure wish other places in life gave things for Michael's, or the car wash, or maybe even the Carson Center.

Back to the story...They gave away free stuff for everything for their employees that is. Pins (which I collect), Disney World passes, Tickets to the state fair, tickets to the SEC tourney, UALR or U of A tickets, tickets to shows at alltel (or the crack house), clothing (at one time probably 90% of John's out of work wardobe consisted of KARK tees, polos, sweaters, or ties-we used to give some to my dad for Christmas he had so much), tickets to Bill Clintons re election party, chances to hang with the Governor of AR, tours to the children's museums, ways to meet all types of politicans and even a place to watch the 4th of July fireworks from the top of their building. All of these were great! Just great! But one stands far far far above the rest. The time I told him I was going to see Def Leppard. He was fine with that. Let me order the tickets down at the ampitheater and everything. He just said that I had to take my dad becuase he did NOT trust me! Me! So my dad and I got our tickets. I was very happy!

Then one night he came home from work with something in his hand. BACKSTAGE passes to the festival that DL was playing in. OH about excited.

All in all, we saw the band, my dad was exposed to a new group of people, learned some new dl tunes, and saw the band members. It was a great show-a wonderful perk- and I am hoping that someone reads this and gives me passes for Aug 10!!!! I need to meet Rick SAvage. I have never met him in my life and would like to tell him that he is almost as good as Paul McCartney on the bass and way better looking. Plus, he plays hamers and I like them. If I knew him better I would tell him how my mom had bell's palsy too, and he should have tried her cure because you can't tell it anymore, and his poor face is paralyed on one side. And then I would tell him the "P" tatoo is BORING! And then I would say, "now let me meet PHil" PHil is amazing on the guitar. Maybe he could show me a chord or two. Maybe!

All in all, Tammy and I will have a marvelous time...she does not know what she is getting into with me and Def Lep. They are the 2nd greatest band of ALL time! Tammy, I am going to sing, buy tshirts, yell and probably embarass myself with my general goofiness. I apoligize in advance to you dear because I love you.

Have a great day everybody. Hug your kids!

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