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15 December 2009

day 4

fantasy day 4

Woke up at

Pulled into port at 8:30 am...the water here is ultramarine blue where yesterday the water was a aqua color. I love the port of Cozumel...vanilla being the number 1 reason. Our first mission was to go to Los Cinco Soles, get all that vanilla and buy me a ring. I lost the diamond to my engagement ring somewhere at Olivet and have been looking to replace it. I wanted silver, knew my price range and was very flexible on the stone. I just did not want a diamond. Finally found what I was looking for in a mystic topaz. I all ready have earrings and a necklace so this was perfect.

We spent a little time on the beach at the pier, got tons of vanilla, shopped for t shirts...things are cheaper in Progresso, but I got my vanilla in a place where I know its couramin free and tastes good too!

The ship left early, we got ready for dinner...our friends told us that they had missed us the night before.

I had mahi mahi for dinner, John had chicken. For dessert I had amaretto pie...yummy. After watching the weather from Denver I went to sleep.

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