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04 June 2020

Review: The First Actress

The First Actress The First Actress by C.W. Gortner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have been a huge fan of C.W.'s books for some time and I will read every one that I can find. I am not really sure how he finds the voice of his female leads, but for me, he captures each of his leading ladies and makes his characters real. Of course, I was going to read this one, but I was not sure about the subject. I knew who Sarah was but that was about it. She had been mentioned in a few books I had read anything about her.

At times I found myself forgetting what time period I was in, I am not sure why I think it was just me. I found myself hating Sarah's mother, but loving another relationship that Sarah had, I won't spoil that. There were many times when I just wanted to hug Sarah and tell her it will be ok.

I felt like we spent lots of time on Sarah's younger years and rushed up the ending, maybe there wasn't much to talk about, I just wasn't ready for it to end.

Thank you C.W., see you for the next one :)

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