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Showing posts with label royals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label royals. Show all posts

28 May 2020

Review: The Queen's Secret: A Novel of England's World War II Queen

The Queen's Secret: A Novel of England's World War II Queen The Queen's Secret: A Novel of England's World War II Queen by Karen Harper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This journey is all about the Queen Mum when she was just the Queen. She was a woman who never thought she would be anything other than the King's sister-in-law, but then David (Edward VIII) fell in love with Wallis and changed history. Bertie was, in my opinion, the perfect King for the times. Not long after he was coronated WWII broke out and he and Queen Elizabeth had to pull England together. They suffered trauma from night bombings, day bombings, and bombings right in the room in which they were standing. Somehow they had to figure out how to heal a country at war and keep their family alive, and they did so right alongside Winston Churchill. The Queen though had some secrets she wanted to be hidden from view. Some of those secrets David knew and was determined to use that knowledge to try and worm his way back into the royal family. I have not read any other book on Elizabeth Bowles-Lyon, so I can't speak for some of the truths to the tales here, but I have read everything that I can find on Wallis and David and they are portrayed here as they were in real life. Something about them is fascinating, but also devious, watch out for them as you read this one!

Lillibet (Queen Elizabeth II) is depicted as she is in every book I have read about her, sweet, smart, and madly in love with Phillip at such a young age. Here you see just the beginning of Margot's (Margaret) high jinx.

Of course, Churchhill has a big role in the book. I have always been mad about Sir Winston. A brilliant man, who probably saved England. You see some of his co-work with Roosevelt here too. I love seeing FDR hanging around the royals.

I think it was a fabulous book, perfect, no, but pretty close.

View all my reviews

27 May 2020

Read with Michelle-June book pick

June Book Club Pick
The Queen's Secret by
Karen Harper

I love a good book about the Royal Family and I do enjoy a Karen Harper novel too, so when I saw that this one was coming out, I put in on hold and planned for it to be my June book pick. I also am mad about the cover, even though it shows a woman's back (I am so tired of that design), but it is the Queen Mum and those stockings!!!!! 

The book is about the Queen Mum.  I don't know if you remember her because she died in 2002, but she was this cute little old lady (like 100) that I didn't really know much about.  That is how I could enjoy a fictional book about her.  She is portrayed a lot differently than I imagined her to be. I knew she was a hands on mom, but that was about all.  She seems to be a strong leader, and a great companion to Bertie   (George VI).  I will have to do some studying on her because there are some things I found kind of shocking and now I want to know if they are true. 

I am not quite finished, only 65% complete, but the review will be up on the blog by the end of the week. I will tell you that I am loving it!!!

Oh I forgot, my favorite royal/non-royal, Wallis Simpson has a little part too!!!!

Review: The Queens of Crime