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13 December 2009

Fantasy the ship

One of the smallest ships I have sailed on, but still a big deal. 70,367 tons, 855 feet long, with a 21 knots cruising speed, and total guests 2,344 (crew 920), this ship is just a tad smaller than the Disney Wonder and Magic (holds the same amount of guests).

We first sailed on the Fantasy in December of 1998. I am afraid that I do not have too many photos from this first cruise. I had a film camera, and an infant and it was hard to take photos with a baby on the hip, and expensive too because I had an Advantix camera. Boy that film was high!! I have about 5 scrapbook pages from the whole trip...well, it was a 3 day cruise so maybe that is about right. We sailed from Port Canaveral on In 98' when we sailed the rooms had a orangy/pinkish decor. Very nasty, I thought even then. Today, the cabins have a very modern decor, white duvet, with reds/browns. I enjoyed the color scheme very much. It made me want to rest, and relax, and I hope that was the plan in choosing the palate and layout. There is still a white sign type thing in the corner just like before, put they have modernized the bath and the storage. Now the storage is nowhere near as nice as one of those big liners, but it is livable.

The exterior of the ship is very "old school". New liners have most of the outside cabins with a balcony, and it looks like there might be balconies on only the veranda deck on the Fantasy.

The ship looks tip top from the outside though. I am telling you, this ship was built in 1990, so it was 8 years old the first time I sailed her. Now she is nearing the 20 year mark, but she shines, Carnival has cared for her in the utmost way. I believe that she was one of the first ones that Carnival had designed and built for just them. I will have to check on that fact, but I believe that is right.

Public areas:
From the photos that I have the bars/lounges have not changed at all. The cat's lounge is still full of giant cans and forks and spoons. Cleopatra's is still full of Egyptian things, and the Majestic bar is still leathery and full of cigar smoke!! Cough cough!

The marble staircase is still there in the Grand Atruim but gone are the ropes of neon! Trust me, that is a very good thing. The ship was not decorated for Christmas like it was on December 1, 1998, and that was sad, but she did have a few Christmas decorations.

The photo gallery has been moved from a "wing" off the side of the ship to just off the Grand Atruim. The shops are very crowded as compared to the newer ships. The newer ships realize that folks will spend money and have laid them out like a real mall, but the older ships just crowded stores in where they could.

The restaurants were EXACTLY the same decor...just new furniture. CRAZY huh?

Now the sewage smell was very reminiscent of the Tropicale...that was so terrible. The smell started on E deck (Empress) and went all through the Grand Atrium NASTY! Sometimes you could even smell it outside on the LIdo deck nearest the Atrium. Sewage issues on a ship was not something that I wanted to relive EVER!!!

Other than that bit of nasty junk...the ship looked great, responded great to the water, was in good condition, and not worn out looking. Even the monorail at Disney World had frayed carpet in the cockpit and that ruined the look for me and made me wonder about upkeep. I had no qualms here about the upkeep. The captain even pushed her as fast as her cruising speed could go and there were no issues whatsoever.

My favorite part of the ship was the promenade deck, right outside the Majestic bar and the Casino. The decor was Greek influenced, with chaises lounges and tile topped tables. The sound of the slot machines was cool too, oh and so was the whirl of the coffee machine in the coffee bar. You could sit and look out at the ocean, smell the coffee, and then go into the $10 store to buy something or make a friend. This area is also a hop skip and a jump from the Universal Lounge (where they do the broadway type shows), the photo gallery and the galleria shops. So it was the perfect location for everything that you needed.

What surprised me the most? The fact that you could walk from one end of the ship to the other in no time flat. I am totally not used to that.

What angered me the most? The smoking...I loved the Paradise when she was a non smoking ship. That was a wonderful cruise. Oh course, it would all be fine if the smokers would stick to the port side rule, but they do not.

Biggest question: They moved the omelet station to the pizza station and so you had to wait forever to get an omelet. Why did you do that?

All in all, I had more fun on this time around than I did the first time that I sailed her. She was in great shape, the activities were great (not that I did many), and the itinerary was PERFECT! I really really liked the stops! Even Progresso that I heard was no good was! We saw the ruins, shopped a little and found out that Progresso is where you buy a hammock! Actually, everything was cheaper here, so if you go on this buy your stuff here, just make sure that you watch your vanilla. I saw many vanillas here with coumarin so be wary...this stuff causes cancer. Los Cinco Soles has a better flavor than any that I have ever had. Trust me on this one, I have tried lots! I am a HUGE fan of vanilla. And that is one reason that we go to the Western Caribbean so much, so I can get more vanilla. If vanilla was available like this in the Eastern Caribbean I would not go to the west again. I much prefer the St Thomas, San Juan, St Maarten and Barbados parts of the world.

Just a tidbit: When we docked in port in Cozumel we were "parked" next to the Inspiration. This is a sister ship to the Fantasy...they were so cute docked side by side on the pier. Looking like a couple of twins, very cute twins.

Just some facts:

Our smallest ship---Carnival Tropicale
Port Tampa
Tonnage 36,674
Speed 20 knots
Guests 1,022
Crew 550

Our largest ship---Carnival Victory
port Miami
Tonnage 11,509
Speed 21 knots
Guests 3,467
Crew 1,100

The world's largest ship docks in Port Everglades and holds 6,200 guests! WOW!!!

This one and the Legend were the two that we sailed when they were new. We sailed the Legend when she was less than 6 months old, the Victory less than a year old.

We were the 3rd to the last cruise Carnival did on the Tropicale. It was reduced to scrap metal after that.

12 December 2009

fantasy day 3

antasy day 3
Here we are, you wake up and you are in Mexico. The water was a pale aqua...pelicans flying everywhere overhead, the sound of a container ship nearby and the best part...we are the only ship in port. We eat a bite of eggs, ham, homestyle potatoes and head out. Our mission to book a tour of the ruins. We had bought one on the ship but it was cancelled, so we decided to try on our own. Other mission...vanilla!!! And maybe some stuff for the kids. First off, we found wind chimes...going to buy one for grandpa, got a great gift for my niece, got 3 vanillas, and booked a tour for 1/2 the price I had it for on the ship and it was going to Medira...the ship your was not. The tour took us first to the flea market. They had some lapis jewelry that I liked, but I have a nice piece so I opted not to look too hard. The market was flooded with folks wanting to sell us stuff. Hammocks were the biggest...ten dollars. I saw a guy making one..should be way more than ten dollars. He was working so hard.

Our tour bus was very nice... Very clean. A dude came on the bus singing to us and playing guitar. I could have played just as well as he did. He sang okay, but the playing...aye ya yi.

Our bus began the journey through Progresso. Not much to see except hurricane stoppers made out of concrete blocks. They were so high that in most spots you could not even see the ocean. Once we headed towards the ruins, the countryside was vast, flat, full of rubbish (trash), a waterpark ( that was very large), loads of signs and billboards, and a 90 kilometer an hour speed limit. The vegetation was palms and grasses for the most part. There were not areas of just sand or conditions of dryness, nope it was green all around. It did not take long to get to the ruins, Ivan was our tour guide and was of Mayan decent so he seemed to know alot of the culture, the language, and what everything was without looking. He was also very funny!! He spoke to us of his people in a very honest, informative way. He explained what each ruin was and what its purpose was. Explained what happened to the Myans, why they looked as they did, and about ruins that were destroyed by Catholic priests in the 1600s. Then he took us to a Mayan well, called the Cenote. Here folks were swimming, three of our group swam and John put his feet in. He said the fish nibbled his toes. The water was an blue topaz dark blue with lily pads that had the was very peaceful and calm. We then started on the track to the observatory. It has connections with the solstices on our calendar...the sun will shine through the door or one of the two windows during this time of year. Dec 21 is the next one so we missed it. Ivan showed us a Mayan house and explained that they could withstand a hurricane and why. Then we boarded our bus and took off to Medira.

Ivan first took us through the "new Yucatan " where there are shopping malls, burger king, Macdonald's, Wal-Mart (but it looked Mayan), Sam's club, pizza hut, a very modern world. Medira is the capital of the Yucatan and is land locked, very different than I expected.

Entering old Yucatan, you can see the difference. Older homes, ornate carvings, Mayan influenced designs, 1800 ish type of influences. Cab took us to the Governors palace first. It had a two story, aqua green facade. It was built as a courtyard and a guard out front. We entered with no problem. Ivan took us upstairs to see murals depicting the Mayan culture and history of the Yucatan people. The murals were wonderful...very nicely done and huge. We left here and he took us to the Mayors plaza. We saw an actual city meeting and walked into the room where they were conducting the meeting. I never thought that would be possible. It was now time to go back to the ship...we ate lunch...cheeseburgers and fries, homestyle potatoes, Mac and cheese, tirarmisu cheesecake, banana cream pie, and a salad. By this time it was time for John to take a nap and I edited every single photo that I had so far taken. When he woke up, we headed to the hot tub..we had it all to cool is that? When folk started to pour onto the Lido deck,we headed to eat. I had dressing, noodle soup, pumpkin hash, real tiramisu, uh...two of them...and John had pizza.

After that we did what old folks do...came to the room watched Law and order and I fell asleep.

10 December 2009

day 2 at sea

day 2
Was a day at sea....started off very clouded. We were told it was in the 70s, but I do not buy it. We started out waiting in line for my favorite omelet station..yummy. It was very good!! Loaded with peppers, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese. With wonderfully greasy hashbrowned potatoes. Wish I had a paper napkin to get all that grease.

After breakfast, we headed to the shop/excursion talk. It was our first one in a long time...see I am looking for an engagement type ring and vanilla...have to find the best deals you know. Martin, our British shop talker told us about these very cool necklaces that one side is gold, the other sterling silver...they are called omegas and I gasped when he told us about them. Walking out of this lounge you have to shop because the malls shops are right there. We looked around for a bit and I bought a black purse and a black scarf for elegant night. I was going to look great because we are buying photos. We hung out on deck chairs, watched ice carvings, took a nap, surfed the internet, walked around...then it was time to dress for dinner. It took a while to lace up the back of my dress, but we got it...yeah. We went to dinner, and I gotta say we were the most elegant at our table...John was the only one in a suit. We got new table mates this evening, Jane, John andhis dad from Mississippi. They were just as great. We are all very evenly matched personality wise. I really like Amy, we spent alot of time talking..we have alot in common. Dinner was perfect...I had 2 bowls of pumpkin soup, one starter of this turkey dish and medium prime rib. Pumpkin soup was divine...I could have eaten four or five bowls of just that. After dinner we had butter pecan ice fancy stuff, I had no room.

After dinner, we started the show, nightclub express, but it was not exciting so we old folks had to go to bed.

fantasy day 1

Upon arriving at the port, I realized that we had only driven to one cruise in all these years so I cannot give a good report on this because I thought it stunk. I can tell you that in 11 years of cruising, I am a tad spoiled...only non smoking ship, carnivals largest ship, world’s largest ship, worlds crappist ship...I had forgotten that while the newer ships have tons of balcony cabins, the older ships do not. It’s been 11 years since I last saw the Fantasy. She hasn’t all those balconies, she is massive, but not ginormous. She is still a beauty.

The embarking line was not so great. I have only waited in a line like this ONCE! It was not a smooth process...and took 2 hours. We made it though. As I entered the hull, everything came back to me of how elated I was to step on this ship, 11 years before. Her grand atrium is small by today’s standards, but just as lovely...only smaller. The marble staircase is exactly the same. Gone are the ropes of neon...enter a more demure theme. The hand carved murals are still there, and just as wonderful. We didn’t need a map to find our room; Carnival makes it easy that they label the decks the same. We knew we were aft, I say we headed back. The hallways were new and fresh...I really liked the line drawings of ships and the color choices were perfect. Our room was wonderful as well...we expected an upper and lower berth, but got a king and an upper...we could have brought someone. Carnival has the best room sizes in the size was great. I went to grab lunch while John listened to Mayfield. The loch lines were huge!!! I went to windows on the sea to grab a bite...this room used to be a workout room...I asked to make sure and it was confirmed it was! Up on the lido deck...the have installed palm trees...very nice. The deck here is smaller than those great ships but very cozy. I went to the spot where 11 years ago I saw my first shuttle launching...only thing different was the tables...the deck was unchanged...except now its adults only. This used to be on the sun deck up on top...wonder what is there now? I shall find out today. our luggage faster than we have ever gotten luggage...good job!

Dinner...we were eaten in the Jubilee...Celebration was our dining room last time. It was not very pretty with short ceilings...I have grown accustomed to large dining rooms. We had a table for 10...a round table. I am expecting not to hear anyone and say what a lot. It is loud!!! Amy and Jim from Columbus Ohio are all ready there. She’s a stay at home mom who knows tons about car seats. I missed what he does. In came Kathy and something that starts with a J. He’s a firefighter from New York; yes he was there at 9-11-01. And I missed what she does. Then came Dora and Wayne from Alabama...they do this cruise all the time...this is like their 5th time. They live 9 miles from the port. He races motorcycles she deer hunts and does face book all the time. Last walked in newlyweds Frank and Yvonne. She had a son in Iraq, and I missed something about him. I had trouble choosing my dinner, I wanted 4 things...tilapia, mahi mahi, pork chop, or grilled chicken...they are doing the menu different...last year it was a starter, a salad, an entree and dessert. Now they have added the salad to the starters...hmmmm. I chose broccoli soup, fruit plate, pork chop, imported Swiss, and cheesecake minus the strawberries. It was all very yummy. The mac and cheese was divine!!! I liked everyone at the table too...we were all near the same age and that gave us things to talk about. We walked around for about an hour...went to the shops...and were still on our "early to bed" we both fell asleep fast. As I type this the sun is coming up and through the window in our room. Yep, I am not out of my regular schedule yet. Today is a day at sea...tonight is formal night...I hope to win me another trophy for my trivia skills...and spend some $$$$ in the shops today. 12/6/09

Favorite things on day 1:
1. Room was great
2. Ship seems to be in wonderful shape
3. Food did not disappoint
4. Ammolite in the gift shop
5. Had my picture made with a pirate
6. Great view from our room
7. You were not required to wear life vest for the muster neck is happy about that.
8. John got to listen to the whole football game.
9. They have the ten dollar store on board
10. There was a scrapbook kit with my name on it.
11. Band on promenade
12. Palm trees on lido deck
13. Adult only hot tubs...I hate kids splashing in there
14. Being on a ship again
15. The waves rocking me to sleep last night.
16. Our room is perfect
17. New decor throughout ship...I can almost pretend I have never sailed her.
18. Rico our crazy waiter
19. A king sized bed that sleeps well
20. Towel animals
21. Chocolate on my pillow
23. Getting a deal on my internet plan
24. Phone service if I need it
25. A wonderful husband

Did not like:
1. Sewage smell on empress "e" deck...made me think of the tropicale
2. Long embarkation can make this so much easier.
3. Having trouble choosing entree
4. Cold!!! I was cold...most others are in shorts.
5. No breaking dawn in library...really wanted to finish it...left mine at home and almost finished it for the 5th time.
6. Single ply rough toilet paper...glad I brought Charmin with me
7. Lacks of outlets...yeah for me bringing extension cord
8. Cold room...but I brought my blanket and they gave me a robe.
9. Sore calves from running up stairs to walk off dinner...that will be better today though
10. No Hannah and Trevor

15 October 2009


Well, I decided to post about our trip to CKC. Jennifer and I had looked forward to and dreamed of going to a convention for quite a while. It seemed like it was all talk though. I did tell her that I thought I was going to head to Nashville when CKC came through, but no body was sure. Then all the sudden things started happening. We got to go together, which is better, you can buddy shop!!!

We arrived at the convention and first off.....NOTHING was labeled to tell you where the convention we had to ask. But there it was in the Presidental area of the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center...I thought the President part was perfect. We entered our tickets, got our class passes and headed to the showroom floor. We entered the room and literally both of our jaws hit the floor. We went to the first booth and just glanced, then the second one and almost at the same time said "I am a little overwhelmed". So much vendors, so many ideas, so many things to buy. But we decided to take our time. We had about 2 hours before our first here we go. Over the course of the 3 days, we encountered many many booths that we liked, some were just ok, and some that we visited so much the owners recognized us and chatted up with us. I even got into political converstations with the owner of Creek Bank.

Now I am going to break this down in terms of things we did....first off CLASSES!!!

1. Our first class was on Friday at 4:30 pm. It was an acrylic album class. I had done one, but never been skilled in how to do it the right this was new. The class came with stuff all ready pre cut....which is very lovely. My complaint here was the not everyone had the same pattern papers and this confused people and slowed done the process. This was an all level class though, and I had to remember that Jennifer and I are what I consider advanced, and some of these folks were newbies. One lady said this was her first time ever. So that part was strange having all those skill levels together. The teacher taught us how to layer and buid the book, but all allowed us to use our own creativity on the project. I do believe that Jennifer and I used every single thing she gave us. I know I did. And we were very pleased with the project.

2. Class number 2 was the best class EVER!!! Ali Edwards every day life. I myself am a huge fan of Ali (even won a prize for knowing private info on her at the class), and I told Jennifer when we were looking at the classes that she would love her too. I know that neither of us were disappointed!!!! We got TONS of stuff at this class...a stamping block, a set of very cool stamps which I have all ready used alot (they were designed by Ali and feature her handwriting). Enough stuff to do a one page layout, but Jennifer and I soon made it into a 2 page, and a wealth of knowledge. Jennifer and I have both stamped for years, but this lady taught us so many tricks and gave me a new spin on how to use acrylic stamps and what to buy. Eileen you are the bomb!!! jennifer and I WILL do an Ali Edwards class again, and maybe 2 or 3 of them.

3. Jacob's Ladder. The papers did not blow me away, but the technique was wonderful. I came home and made another one I liked it so much. This class took the jacob's ladder thing you used to make a dollar bill move from one side to the the other and put it in scrapbook form. You can get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many pictures on a page with this!

The vendors were wonderful as well. Our favorite was for sure Creek Bank Creations!!! We visited here what Jennifer like 4 or 5 times? Tom Creek, was the guy that owned the store. He was the one that reconiged us and got to talking about politics too. I loved this store. I probably spent most of money here. Jennifer, I sure wish I had bought the little sis or the big brother...wanna make an order from them? I am telling you guys, they have the greatest chipboard that I have EVER seen...and I have been doing this since 1990!!! One side was like you usually get it and one was distressed and it was sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thick and good quality. I sanded, painted, and distressed and it did not tear up. I am so impressed with the products. Why did I not get more?

The second favorite was Eileen's booth or technique tuesday. They have Ali Edwards products. They make wonderful stamps, and killer layouts. Their kits are outstanding. I have seen them for years in magazines and been inspired by them...even copied one from Creating Keepsakes magazine exactly, went to this convention and it was one of Eileens (she had the original at the booth). they have amazing cloth tags/sticker like things, and WHITE chipboard. Now that I was impressed with!!

The next vendor we really liked was Keller's Creations. They did these tags and chipboard connectors that were just wonderful. I have noticed since I brought my purchases home that you can be very creative with their products. Their slogan is scrap outside the box and they mean it. The accordian tags are my favorite and I have used all of mine, except one I am saving it and a package of circles.

There were many many vendors that were selling pre cut, ready to go kits. I did not buy one, but I think Jennifer bought 2. They were wonderful, but I like to be creative on my own. I do wish that I had gotten the owl one though. I can almost see it in my brain, but not quite. It is not availible for purchase on their website, but check it out

There were vendors that had great sale cardstock by the pound, but man it is the thickest best cardstock I have ever seen! Sure wish I had gotten $5 more.

It was a great convention...YES, I am going next year...more Ali/Technique Tuesday classes are on the agenda. Thanks CKC!!!

I have included photos of the stuff we made/bought (that I have not used). Creek Bank chipboard can be found on my "death" layout on facebook.

30 July 2009

This needs no title other than DEF LEPPARD

Just listening to an album that changed some of my musical tastes for the rest of my life. I remember where I was the first time I saw the video for "foolin". Yes I do, I was in the living room in Mayfield in front of a coffee table that we used to hold our tv. I was sitting on the floor with my hand on the cable box (no remotes back then), and was changing the channels. I stopped on Friday Night Videos (this show was very popular in my youth), and saw Joe Elliott on a triangle sort of tied up. Ok, I knew who Def Leppard was because of my uncle. He had played the High N' Dry "tape" for me in his car. I loved the music but this was different. While it had the same guitar style, it was in a class of it's own. I watched the whole video and begged my mom for the tape. I do believe it was my uncle who ended up giving me his tape, but I can't remember. All I know is I got it and I was hooked for life (I still have this tape...doesn't work anymore just have it for the memories).

Pyromania was the 2nd best selling album of album that you probably have not heard of but thrilled me just as much was the #1 album of that year. It was called Thriller by a fellow that goes by Michael Jackson. While Pyromania was HUGE and by most years sales, it would have been number 1 by a long shot....that other album just sort of took over. Believe it or not it sort of happened again in 1987 when Def Lep released Hysteria, Jackson did Bad and again Bad outsold it by a few million. Strange how that happened both times in both careers. Of course, the Jackson fellow sold way more than the Def Lep, and I must admit in both cases I helped that Jackson fellow by buying his products.

Over the course of time, I have had 2 pyromania LPs, 3 cassette tapes, and 2 cds. Only one of which I did not purchase myself, but all of which I have worn out, with the exception of that last cd. Compare to Hysteria and it is stranger, 1 LP, 6 cassettes, and 2 cds.

Pryomania still ranks as one of the top albums of all time for me and you know I forgot to buy the deluxe set last month because of that Jackson fellow again (this time he died). I have just now ordered it and look forward to hearing the band sing "traveling band" with Brian May. You see the set comes with the remastered cd, but also a live unreleased show from 1983, which is what I am most looking forward to hearing.

And in 10 days I go see them again. I am sure it will be just as fun and thrilling as all of the other times that I have been to see them and I look forward to it very much.

Oh, I guess that again this year, Michael Jackson will out sell the Leppards...mmmmm

24 July 2009

A fried egg with the middle loose

I have many many things running through my mind today. However, the brain is a tad fried, a bit like an egg with the middle loose. Crusty on the outside, but it you touch it all the middle will ooze into a large puddle at your feet. I am literally DEAD tired; but I am hanging on cause my daughter is at the movies and I have to wait up until she gets home.

So what am I doing to stay awake? First of all, I have uploaded every photo that I have yet to print. Cool...the rest of Disney and July 4 and my LATE birthday celebration at Red Robin. If I print all of them it will be over $40 so I am going to print most of them.

Tomorrow I am going to Mandy's wedding. It is a strange rite of passage...Mandy was just in high school when I met her, a small little child playing in the high school band. Strange that tomorrow she will be a married woman.

Then I am thinking (my mind is very ADD right now), about song lyrics...some of them are downright stupid, but I just keep on singing them. I will list some of the stupid songs on my playlist now.
1. Super Trooper-ABBA
2. Who is it-MJ
3. Rockstar-nickelback (this is not a clean song)
4. Let's get rocked-Def Lep
5. You know my name, look up the number-The Beatles
6. 1984--Wings
7. CAn you feel it?-the Jacksons
8. Who'll stop the rain?-CCR
9. Bop til you drop-yes, it's a kids song I do not care, I like it
10. Soarin-WDW
11. Splash mountain medley-WDW
12. Dirty Diana-MJ
13. Tug of War-Paul
14. Action-The Sweet
15. Jeepster-T Rex
16. Give Ireland back to the Irish-Paul
17. 15 step-Radiohead
18. Foolin-Def Lep
19. smooth criminal-MJ
20. Flightless Bird, American Mouth

These are subject to change at a moment's notice. I expect any day I will go to a mainly Def Lep list as I am just a few days out from seeing them live.

Thinking about my son too, he has decided to give football a I hate football. It is too stinking cold! I am NOT going to do well at this. I think I might schedule staff meetings around the games...Mom's don't need to see their boys do football do they? I am so not looking forward to this.

You know at this point...I think I am much to tired to talk about anything. I was trying to take a Def Leppard quiz and I was even missing questions. I am totally gonna kick myself in the morning for that...see ya

Review: All the Summers in Between