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Showing posts with label Crime book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime book. Show all posts

25 October 2019

Review: The Guardians

The Guardians The Guardians by John Grisham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brilliant! I love Grisham and this was a new style that I just adore. A wonderful, creative book in that twisty Grisham style. A legal aid type office called The Guardians helps to get folks wrongly convicted of a crime exonerated. It is kind of neat to see what the firm does to get the evidence they need to free their clients.

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26 December 2018

Review: The Reckoning

The Reckoning The Reckoning by John Grisham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am not really sure why folks are rating this one low. I loved it. I wish I could have stayed up all night to finish it, but no I had to go to work :). I have read every single book he has written and I have not liked all of them, I have loved a few and this one is added to the "love" pile.

I saw where some folks didn't like the war part. I enjoyed that journey (of course I love any WWII fiction book), I think we needed that to understand Banning and what type of character he had, I felt it made what he did even more shocking because it was so out of his character.

I did not foresee it ending as it did!!! That was like a Law&Order twist and filled me full of "what ifs".

There was only one thing I wanted that I didn't get, but I won't tell you because it might spoil the story for someone. I have loved the new direction the last two Grisham books have taken (the Rooster Bar and this one).

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21 October 2018

Review: Camino Island

Camino Island Camino Island by John Grisham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been on hold for this book forever. I didn't read what it was about, I just know I read every Grisham book. This one blew me away from the start. F Scott Fitzgerald! I love him! His manuscripts in the hands of crooks! I was sucked in and blown away. I had NO idea where this novel was going to end up, every time I thought I did something else happened to make me say "what".

I enjoy almost every Grisham book, but I do believe this one ranks up there near "The Firm" for me. EXCELLENT!

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26 August 2018

Review: The Rooster Bar

The Rooster Bar The Rooster Bar by John Grisham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought this one was fabulous. Grisham writes a lot of good books, and somehow he manages to make each one unique, but this plot stood out as outstanding to me and I missed a couple of plotlines while guessing. (I always try to guess what will happen in his books).

Four kids are in law school together when one friend tells them they will never get out of debt, they will never up out on top and then he dies. The three remaining friends spiral out of control about their buddy and totally vanish. This is where it gets very good, where they are and what they are doing. I won't spoil it for you, but it is captivating. I had trouble putting this book down.

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Review: The Unbecoming of Margaret Wolf