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Showing posts with label Titanic book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Titanic book. Show all posts

05 March 2022

Review: The Discovery of the Titanic

The Discovery of the Titanic The Discovery of the Titanic by Robert D. Ballard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finally picked this book up at a used bookstore (it was rather pricey as a new book), and it is just as spectacular as I imagined. There are notes and an in-depth look at how the team found the Titanic. The photos are simply outstanding!!!

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14 June 2020

Covid19 Masks

I never thought I would ever make a mask, I mean it never entered into my vocabulary.  A mask?  Only heath care professionals wore masks, right?  Fast forward to a global pandemic.  I would be working from home and being asked to use my simple sewing skills to make masks.  I started with a very simple pattern that I read about on the internet.  I decided that not only was it not very cute but it just didn't work for me.  I next turned to my favorite crafting machine, my Cricut.  Cricut was offering a free pattern so I cut out the pattern and went to work.  The mask was a more fitted piece that was made from 4 pieces of fabric. I did ties on most of my masks because I wanted the customization that ties could give you.  I only made elastic ones (because elastic is so hard to find for one reason, the other because I heard it wasn't very comfortable) because my daughter needed elastic ones in order to go back to work and after her being out of work for 2 months I was going to do whatever I could to help her get back to work.  

My son had to wear a mask to his high school graduation, which seemed a bit odd, but the graduation ended up being very special and unique. Now he wears the graduation mask to church.  

All in all, I made about 75 masks.  I didn't sell them, but I did take money, fabric, and thread donations so I could keep making masks and get them to people that needed free masks. I donated some to the homeless, some to a nursing home, and many to friends.  Some gave me cash to buy more fabric ($1-2 per mask depending on how much I paid for the fabric), some food, some fabric, and others thread. 

 I only have some bunny fabric left as of 6/12/20 so if I have to make you a mask you will wear bunny fabric or you will get me some fabric.  :) 

10 April 2019

Review: The Girl Who Came Home

The Girl Who Came Home The Girl Who Came Home by Hazel Gaynor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While this book is full of non-fiction facts, it also is full of fiction, BUT I did have a fun journey. Being a Titanic buff, I was not expecting everything to be true, but I was expecting a good story and I think I got that. This story takes place, obviously in 1912, but also 1982. The 1982 storyline was wonderful. I just adored the Grace character and her connection to the 1912 Titanic sailing. I think this is a nice book for someone looking to learn about the Titanic, or just wants to enjoy a quick story.

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21 October 2018

Review: The Dressmaker

The Dressmaker The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was worried that this fictional work might be portrayed as real Titanic history. I'm glad the author explained that at the end. While, I wished there was more time spent on the ship and less on that dreadful trials, this was a fine read. It might get folks interested in the real Titanic. The Duff Gordons did indeed sail on that ship, and the controversy of lifeboat #1 has always intrigued me, so of course I found the authors take interesting. I am interested to know what happens to Tess. Also, Ms.Alcott's writing is making me happy. This is the second book I have read of hers in a couple of months and I am ready for another.

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Review: The Queens of Crime