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21 October 2018

Review: The Dressmaker

The Dressmaker The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was worried that this fictional work might be portrayed as real Titanic history. I'm glad the author explained that at the end. While, I wished there was more time spent on the ship and less on that dreadful trials, this was a fine read. It might get folks interested in the real Titanic. The Duff Gordons did indeed sail on that ship, and the controversy of lifeboat #1 has always intrigued me, so of course I found the authors take interesting. I am interested to know what happens to Tess. Also, Ms.Alcott's writing is making me happy. This is the second book I have read of hers in a couple of months and I am ready for another.

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