Beatriz Williams is one of those authors that I either love her book or hate it. The last one did not make me happy, but the one before thrilled me. Of course I am going to read every book she writes because she has written far too many that I like to avoid her. I found this one to be fantastic! We meet Emilia, who is very smart, but realizes she won’t go to college, her destiny is to take care of her mother. Everything changes when she meets Olive. She beginning by babysitting for Olive and then gets wrapped up in a world she never expected. She will juggle this new world that has Olive, a boyfriend with money, the possibility of college and a life outside of Winthrop.
Fast forward a few year, Emilia achieved some of her goals in life, the love of her life is gone, and Olive has re-entered her world…..this does no make Emilia happy. What the reader finds out here is how Emilia and Olive split and why Emilia wants far away from Olive.
I liked the mystery aspect of this one, the fact it happens AFTER WWII and it has a lovely setting. Give this one a whirl and see what you think. I would love for you to drop a comment with your thoughts.