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Showing posts with label reading challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading challenge. Show all posts

30 November 2022

2023 Read with Michelle Reading Challenge

 Good day to you,

I hope you are doing fantastic today!  We are getting so close to the start of 2023.  I realized today that I needed to get on my yearly reading challenge and so here it is for you.  

Remember that I never want you to look at anyone's reading habits/achievements but your own!! You own your reading life.  It is never about the number you read, or the genre you choose unless you wish for it to be that way.  If you read one book a year, or 200, you are a success in your reading life!!  

I release a challenge for fun.  If you want to use it to motivate you, please do so.  If you want to use it to inspire yourself, please, I would be honored if you did so.  If you wish to bypass this post, then I support you in that too.  My goal is for you to be a happy reader!!! I think you are a successful reader and I just want you to be happy!!!  

I hope I do inspire you to get out of any box you feel you are in, and I encourage you to inspire me too!!! I would love to hear how your reading life is going, and new books that you love and I would love to hear about any books you think I MUST read.  

I look forward to reading with you in 2023, thank you for your support.  

19 December 2021

2022 Reading Challenge

 Every year I try to do a challenge of my own to get me out of a reading box, but also to just have some fun trying to fit a book into categories.  Over the last few years, I have made my own to distribute to friends.  My challenges have just one requirement, that you do what you want with it.  If you don't like a category, you mark it out and insert your own.  If you don't like how I worded something, you reword it.  If you wish to use one book for three categories, you do so.  It is your challenge, your reading life, I am just there, I hope, for inspiration.  

Don't forget to come back here each month in 2022 and get my MUST READ book of the month, book reviews, and maybe some free bookmarks you can print or download.  My summer reading challenge will come out around April and will be full of fun reads for your all summertime adventures.  

Thanks so much to you all that followed along with me in 2021. I hope you had a wonderful reading year and I am hoping you stick around for next year.  

2022 Reading Challenge--download the challenge here

Review: The Queens of Crime