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10 June 2012

Expanding world brings more losses

As you age and you expand your meet new people, form new friendships and get close to people.  That world will lose people that are dear to you here on Earth.  This planet lost a good one yesterday.

Laverne Brown.

I did not know her professionally, I have heard of the wonderful things she did there and thank her for her service, but no she and I shared a friend, Sherry.  Sherry is a dear soul to me, as a matter of a fact I always say when I grow up I wanna be just like her, rats there I go getting off topic.

Sherry and I met 11 years ago and had much in common, one thing was BOOKS!  Laverne would read them, pass them to Sherry and then she would to me.  I would pass them to Sherrie Caylor and so it continued.

One day after a garden was built at Olivet, Sherry brought Laverne to the Prayer Garden and I took their photo. I wish I could find it, but I think it was PRE digital photos. :)

Anyway, Heaven has gained another angel today. A very sweet, kind angel.  She will be missed here, but her suffering is over. 

"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints."  Psalms 116:15

Today's cards were made while thinking of Laverne.  Have a great day.

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