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23 March 2012

In an instant it is gone

In January 2011, a friend and I said that we would like to grow our hair out for locks of love.  It was fine in the beginning. I could pull it back, I could pull it up, basically I could do anything.  Then my lovely naturally thick, bushy, nasty redneck texture took over.  It started to become a 1970's nightmare.  I went for the first time and had it thinned....massively thinned.  This seemed to become a pattern over the next year.

I promise to you that I have spent more money on haircuts/trims/thinning since I began this project then I have my entire life!!! January 1, 2012 hit and I wanted to see how close to my goal that I was.  The goal was ten inches of growth.  1.5 inches too short....UHHHHHHH!  More growing to do.

Sometime in February I thought I might keep it.  I was starting to like the buns/ponytails/elegant updos....all that changed last night.

I went to the Hunger Games premiere....I had worn my hair in the hairdo that Katness wore on reaping day, to school Thursday.  That afternoon I came home and got my shower and had to wash my hair.  I decided to braid it again in Katness fashion for the premiere.  It was all fine until I got up this am.  It would not straighten, it would not hold curl, I had no time to fight with it. I just pulled it back and said I am done with you.

After school today I was exhausted but had to take Trevor to get his hair cut.... On a whim I signed myself up for a spot too. I had decided just to cut about 5 inches off and thin it.  Angie sat me down and measured my hair....I had plenty of hair to donate so I said "DO IT!!!"

Now to begin again.....

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