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12 May 2012

Mother's Day for my favorite MOM!

Today's challenge is brought to you by Crazy 4 Challenges.  I have been checking out their website for well over a year.  They do things that inspire me to think...and when I think I can create.  This time they provided a photograph.....The colors SCREAM my mother!  The organic quality of the balls SCREAM my mother.  And I was all ready needing to do something special for my mother.  I had wanted to make her a canvas....I just didn't know where I needed to go...UNTIL I saw this photograph!!!!  

I stuck with a similar color scheme and used some of the round elements and even some of the earthy qualities....after that I tried to be VERY VERY unique.  

May 8th marked my mother's 40th year of being a mom.  I used a 31 and a 9 to display the 40.  I found a quote that is sort of unique like my mom. I used some steampunk elements because my mom is kind of like a steampunk lady. A little old fashioned wrapped up in modern devices.  That is her!

She is a pretty incredible mom and I am blessed to have her.  I was one lucky baby!  One lucky bald, fat baby.

Here I am 40 years later and never shall I be able to repay her for what she has done for me.  I hope she knows I tried to show her how appreciative I am with this canvas.

I love you MOM!!!!

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