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12 May 2012

May they live happily ever after

I have made the two canvases for two fine young woman that I work with.  These ladies are something I would have loved to have been at their age (or even mine)...confident, strong, and gifted.  They each have qualities that are unique to one another and then they have their similarities.

What first made me notice them was that they were Ag teachers.  When I was in school I don't remember a lady teacher (of course that was a hundred years ago).  Then I listened to them.  Kirby gets giddy when she talks about her ducks and the greenhouse.  Brittany puffs up like a cute little mama hen when she talks about how well her students perform in competitions and then there are the horses.  I am not a horse person, but I love that she is.  Their hearts are beautiful and to top it off the outsides of them are too...

I wish them both the best of luck in this new endeavor and pray that Evan and Tyler know exactly how lucky they both are.

  The girls were having a joint shower and I decided it would be best if I made them a canvas.  I love canvas art because you can put a whole life right there

I wanted to make something for the girls that made me think of them.  Something that had some of them, some of their wedding,but also some of how I felt about them too.

 Kirby O'Donoghue gift.  Kirby is a little bit earthy, a little bit farmer, a little bit green inside a package wrapped in lace.  I wanted her canvas to have a frilly romantic feel.  I thought flowers, hearts, jewelry and lace would be display that.  Kirby seems to me like she wants to know about the past and embrace family customs.  I have used old tags covered in new items because they are like Kirby.  The birdhouse was the closest thing I could find to Kirby's beloved greenhouse. 

 .Brittany seems like she can be a firecracker, but can be feminine even while hoeing a garden or riding a horse.  I have heard Brittany giggle about her groom Evan and her wedding plans and with her I wanted to have a few wedding couples.  I found 2 that displayed the yesteryear look and yet that love that I can hear in Brittany's voice when she talks of Evan.  I had to put a bronco stamp on there because of Brittany's horses and the flowers go back to her Ag roots.  The stars represent her being such a superstar and the stones are a throwback (again) to her being outdoorsy but very girlie.    I loved that on this one the B (Brittany) and E (Evan) can also spell out a wish ....BE Happy! 

These canvases are being shared on Unruly PaperArts...cause those girls rock too!  And cause I love what they do!

check them out...

1 comment:

  1. Totally gorgeous!! Thanks for questing with us at UPA!


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