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05 May 2012

A simple thought and a simple design

Today is just a simple thought....We were at a ball game today getting killed.  The boys were looking kind of rough.  The heat was intense (and it is only May).  The score was very one sided....but my son was still smiling to his friends.  Still giving hi fives, still displaying a good attitude.  I am very blessed in this little boy...very very blessed.  I need to work on that kind of attitude, when things look hopeless I need to find the good.  It's there, I just need to find it. 

This is my first time doing the retro sketch.  When I found it I knew this was a site for me!  Here's my first entry:
I used a Ditto stamp by Hampton Arts for the background.  The ink used it Ranger Archival.  On top of that is a scrap piece of teal and another of pink.  It is a simple design but I think it has a big impact.  
I opted NOT to use the bow because I intend to mail this.  It would not be very post office friendly with a giant bow on the front.  However, it would have looked FANTASTIC!!!

Because I used the color combo for CR84FN I am also sharing it with my buddies there.

If you are a big scrapbooker, or even just beginning I encourage you to check out either of these sites.  Get you a jump start on ideas and have some fun while you are at it.  

1 comment:

  1. Good idea to not add the bow— I think the card look pretty without it! So glad you played RetroSketches this week!


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Review: The Queens of Crime