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21 October 2018

Review: The Dollhouse

The Dollhouse The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love a book that sucks you and and won't release you. This book fit the bill perfectly. Picture's 1952, you are in a hotel in NYC. It's a hotel unlike hotels we have these days, this one was for ladies only. Many of the girls were attending college or modeling during the day and having fun at night. It is in this setting where Darby from a small town finds herself. She is in NYC to go to a college she doesn't want to attend studying a profession she has no desire to do.

The people she meets will change her life.

Flash forward to 2016...because this story takes place in 1952 and 2016. Rose lives in the same hotel (now condos) that Darby lived back in the day and STILL lives there! Rose will reveal secrets of the past and solve mysteries of the present all the while dealing with an ill father, work drama and a crappy boyfriend.

Darby will change Rose's life.

This book is full of twists and turns. I thought I knew what was going to happen, but then BAM I was wrong and the story turned. What a great book to finish my 2016 reading challenge.

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